What is this project about?
The goal of the augmented reality app is to position the Tamaris brand in the digital sector as a brand and to communicate all the ad subjects of the current shoe collection in the respective country. Each ad for the seasonal campaign is, at the same time, an AR ContextCard that visualizes the models of the collection in 3D when scanned with the Tamaris app. With just the click of a button, the user can order the selected model from the Tamaris online boutique in the app. Furthermore, the augmented reality portion of the app is supplemented by a microsite, which shows a fashion magazine with trend previews and highlights from the Tamaris Instagram channel.
Especially challenging is the photorealistic display of all shoe models on low-poly 3D models. The app is offered internationally in German, English and French: Depending on the language settings of the user on his/her mobile device, the app appears in the respective language (localization). Depending on the country in which the user is located, certain models are showed with a link to the particular online shop. In addition, user interactions within the app were documented.
Used SDK, API, software applications etc.:
#metaioSDK, #junaio, #Vuforia, #GoogleMaps #Geolocation API, Google Analytics, #Java, #ObjC, #JS, C#, #HTML5, #CSS3, #Photoshop, #3dsMax, #Dreamweaver, #Xcode, #Android Studio, #Unity3d, Muse, Excel
Run time of the project: 2013 - 2019
Persona, characteristics of our typical userEnd-consumers, potential purchasers in EMEA. Preparation of the project with: Excel, sketches, texts and graphics, style guide or corporate design details pictures below: A 3D model as raw mesh and its texture:
Design development details
3D models
Since no technical drawings and also no CAD data is available, each model is modeled and texturized using photos of all six views (front view, rear view, etc.). Visuals
In order to avoid sticky app performance, I worked on finding the right balance between low-res textures and optimum visual quality on low-poly 3D models. Audio In order to complement the user experience, the user interactions, such as button clicks, were complemented by audio effects.
Test no 1
of the very first prototype
Testing of the localization and geolocation with fake geodata.
Testing of the ad subject for tracking quality, which means high contrasts, rich texture, asymmetry. Solving of problems in the event ads are confused with one another due to high similarity.
Per request of the customer, a random generator was implemented in order to display the models of the respective collections in a random order. Also, the setting was supplemented by a semi-transparent, white background in order to separate the models according to the corporate design of the ad campaign from the real background in the camera image.
User test 2
Test of the random generator that shows the shoe models in random order.
The AR app offers a user-friendly interface and ease of operation.
It contains product-relevant information and information on the manufacturers.
80,000 app users per season, since the launch of the app.
Project duration: 2013 - 2019, iOS and Android
#ar #augmentedreality #arcard #product #visualizer #produktvisualisierung #mobileapp #ios #android #productlaunch #marketingtool #salestool #arcampaign